Monday, June 16, 2014

@MaxMadeIt Shelves Debut Album "Coming Of Age" Readies EP Release Instead.

It's Been A Rocky Road For Rapper M.A.x.'s  Long Awaited Upcoming Debut Album "Coming Of Age" After A Label Change, Tracklist Changes, Leaked Tracks & Slowly Progessed Singles It Has Now Been Announced The Album Will Not Be Released As An Album  As Planned. It Will Now Be Released As A 6-Song EP. No Word Yet On The Reason Why This Final Decision Was Made But Its A Bit Confusing To Fans That Were Awaiting The Full Set Album. The Biggest Record From The Album "Its A Party" Which Recieved Raved Reviews But No Video Was Bascially The Only Thing Released From The Album Besides Leaked Tracks Like Union Station, Kids Promise & 8.3.95. Hopfully We Someday Will Get To Hear Other Tracks From The Album. No Official Date On When The "Coming Of Age" EP Is Set For Release Yet.

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